Parish Ministries

and Groups

Parish Pastoral Council

As representatives of the Holy Family Catholic Community, the Parish Council is called to discern and communicate through a collaborative process the needs of the community in order to empower the parish community to meet those needs.

The goals of the Parish Council are to:

Help to discern the needs of the parish

Help to set goals and priorities to respond to the needs

Help to discover and utilize new talent in the parish

Foster a climate of mutual support and accountability in the parish

Provide members an opportunity to share in collaborative decision making in a Christian context in the parish.

A Council member is:

A participating parishioner of Holy Family Parish.

One who shows an interest in and ability to work with others

One who is able to commit time to attend meetings

One who shows a desire to listen, communicate, respond and articulate with parishioners and the Parish Staff

Current Parish Council members

Carmen Cox

Paul Hansen

Karlee Guest

Paul Foss

Rosalie Foss

Neville Moran


Each member brings a wealth of experience in their field, which is essential for achieving our parish objectives.

For further information on the following committees, including details for key contacts, please contact the parish office.

Liturgy Committee
Reflects on and plans for our liturgies throughout the liturgical calendar.
Finance Committee
Supports the parish priest in the administration of parish finances and the planned giving scheme. The committee meets every month.

Parish Ministries

We are delighted to introduce you to the diverse and vibrant ministries that form the heart of our parish community.

For further information on the following committees, including details for key contacts, please contact the parish office.

Parish Religious Education Program for Children (P.R.E.P)
Provides religious education for our parish children in years 1 – 7 NOT attending catholic schools each Wednesday afternoon between 3.45pm and 4.35.00pm during the school term.
Music Ministry
Leads our community in singing at all masses. Musicians and singers meet regularly for practice and new members are always welcome.
Mass Greeters
Welcomes members of our community to the Sunday liturgy and distributes the bulletin.
Proclaimers and Commentators
Volunteers from our parish community, proclaimers read the Word of God through the readings. Commentators welcome and open the mass, introduce the readings and explain the readings in a small passage. They also read the Prayers of the Faithful.
Acolytes serve at the altar and assist the priest and other ministers during mass.
Altar Servers
A special ministry for children aged between 9 and 17. They should have received First Holy Communion. New altar servers are always welcome.
Special Eucharistic Ministers
Are trained with an understanding of the Eucharist, a reverence for the people as the Body of Christ and a willingness to work as a team member.
Responsible for setting up the altar for mass, changing the altar’s drapes and maintaining sacristy stock.
San Leone Association
Mass is held on the last Sunday of each month at 11.00am.
Church Hospitality
Seeks to involve all parishioners in the parish’s mission and assist them in discerning how to be good stewards of the time, talent and treasure God has given them. Membership is by discernment. For more information on stewardship in our parish, please click on ‘stewardship’ on the menu.
Vincent de Paul Society
This group strives to deepen the catholic faith of its members by sharing who and what they have with the poor on a person-to-person basis by respecting their dignity, sharing hope and encouraging them to take control of their own destiny.
Arts and Crafts
A social group sharing their passion for all facets of arts and crafts. The group meets every Monday 12.30pm – 3.30pm


The Holy Family Parish has a stewardship committee whose primary function is to involve all parishioners in the parish’s mission and assist them in discerning how to be good stewards of the time, talent and treasure God has given them.

For further information on the following committees, including details for key contacts, please contact the parish office.

Volunteering your talents and time is a time-honoured way of serving the Lord.
STEWARDSHIP-MARKS OF DISCIPLESHIP: Prayer – Prayer centers our focus on the relationship we have with God and others. It opens hearts and minds to reflect love, gratitude and compassion. Alone, or with others, prayer can direct our daily living and work as Christ’s disciples. Time – We all struggle with balancing the demands on our time – with our family, home, parish, work, school and beyond. Stewardship encourages us to evaluate and dedicate priorities for the use of our time. Talents/Abilities – God creates each of us with a unique combination of talents, skills and abilities. Discovered, developed and shared use of these gifts demonstrates our love of God and others. Treasure – As good stewards of our money, we enrich our faith through trust in God, instead of in the possessions of this world.